lundi 3 juillet 2017

Interview with AndroidFileHost’s Vice President of Public Relations: Roy R. (rwilco12)

AndroidFile Host has been the go-to service for hosting custom ROMs, kernels and mods for quite a fair amount of time. Developers and users trust the service and turn towards it when it comes to hosting files without giving much thought – they're one of the most reliable services around.

Today we have with us Roy R., the Vice President of Public Relations over at AndroidFile Host, answering questions that have always been lingering around in public chat rooms and/or forums.

On the vision behind AndroidFileHost

How did you start AndroidFile Host? What was the vision behind it?

Many years ago, our founder and CEO, Alex, was trying to download a custom ROM for his HTC Evo 4G LTE. He was frustrated with the slow download speeds, dropped connections and the all-around poor experience of getting the files he needed.

We'd like to say he was doing it for selfless reasons, but the real reason for starting Android File Host was that he wanted a faster and more reliable way to download ROMs and other files.

Now, we have a greater vision of being able to provide a single hosting solution for all of our users, not just Alex.

We work hard to make sure that all of our users around the globe have access to the fastest servers possible, with no headache and no issues.

On the benefits of using AFH or their Premium Service

Can you please inform our readers about the premium service AFH has to offer?

We offer a lot of premium services and have different types of premium services, depending on whether you are a regular user or a developer.

All of our premium users have no wait time for downloads, the ability to set their own preferred mirrors and they'll never see any ads. Premium developers get even more!

Everything from custom URLs for their files and folders, to importing files from Dropbox, upload notifications for their followers (via social media or email), and we're always adding new features!

You can find more information, or sign-up, right here.

What do you think is the most under-utilized aspect of AFH?

The most under-utilized feature would have to be our premium services.

Users just don't realize how much more is available with those premium services.

Why should developers and users use AFH over services like BasketBuild, Google Drive and Dropbox?

One word, "unlimited". We offer developers unlimited storage and bandwidth. Google Drive, Dropbox and similar services charge for anything more than their basic packages, and they cut you off after any significant bandwidth usage.

As far as BasketBuild? We've spoken highly of them in the past, but unfortunately, they have been in Maintenance Mode now for several months.

We've seen a lot of competitor sites come and go over the years, but none of them stick around for very long, or if they do, they resort to using shady ad companies and bad practices that result in a bad experience for the end user.

We've been around now for a long time and we have no plans on going anywhere! And if we haven't proven ourselves by now, we're in trouble!

How is AFH beneficial to the average XDA member?

The biggest reason? Reliability and stability. As we said earlier, we've been around for a long time.

We have high-speed servers all over the world and we're constantly adding more. Need something for your phone?

Look on XDA or AFH and you're sure to find it. We're here to support the developers who need hosting and the end-user who is looking for the dev's work.

On personal experience as a team member

What are the challenges you face on a daily basis, handling a site that hosts thousands of files?

We face a lot of challenges but the biggest challenge we face is that of ad-blocking.

And trust us, we get it. We hate ads too! We see all the sites out there that go into overkill on ads and the negative experience that they create. In order to keep the user experience a positive one, we keep our ads to a minimum and only use trusted ad providers.

We get paid by the ad views and the occasional click when users click on an ad that interests them. We offer services for free to the end user but unfortunately nothing is truly free, and ad revenue is the necessary evil that helps us finance AFH.

When users block those ads we don't have the necessary revenue stream to support and grow the site.

Could you please describe what your role demands of you to our readers?

My official title is Vice President of Public Relations. Really that's just a fancy title that means I get to work with awesome people.

I run most of our social media accounts, I put together giveaways, I work with developers, users, YouTubers, XDA and more.

If I had to boil it down to one thing, I would say my job is to work with people and keep them loving AFH.

What challenges do you face on a daily basis as the public relations guru?

Honestly? It's a super easy job. I get to work with people on a daily basis that are doing the very things I enjoy.

I got involved with AFH as a dev who needed hosting. I don't get to do as much dev work now as I used to, but I still get to work with the people who make it happen.

I enjoy it and really don't have any complaints!

How has your journey with AFH been?

My personal journey with AFH has been a fun one.

A long, long time ago, I was looking for a new host for Rwilco12's Android Repository (really, that's just a fancy name I gave to the place where I warehoused all the files you could ever possibly need for the Epic 4G Touch).

I was doing dev work with Team Nocturnal and they used AFH for hosting all of our ROMs. I figured it was worth a shot and reached out to Alex to see if he could help me out.

We worked out a deal and I did some work for him here and there. Eventually, I became a full member of the team and the rest is history!

On some of the other questions floating around in the community

What have you planned for the future of AFH?

We're always working on new ideas and trying to find the best way to implement them.

We've gotten a few things in the pipeline that we hope to roll out here in the near future. Keep an eye out for future announcements and sneak peeks.

Are there plans for releasing a mobile app any time soon?

At this time, we do not have any plans to roll out a mobile app. Our site is optimized for use on mobile devices, and we feel that adding features to the site is a better focus for our development efforts.

We're not saying we won't ever do it, just not anytime in the immediate future.

Can we expect a site revamp soon?

Let's just say we've got something cool coming soon and we are super excited for it!


from xda-developers

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